Lettre à mon fils
Pour respecter les mots de notre ambassadrice Georgina Bloomberg, nous avons décidé de ne pas traduire cette lettre.
My dearest Jasper,
I marvel at you every day, as you grow into your confident, strong, brilliant self… We’re at home as I write this, just before this year’s International Day of Families; I’m filled with enormous gratitude for so much that we have in our lives, but all too aware that there are so many children and families who aren’t half as lucky as we are. I need you to know that can change.
We’ve talked about my ambassadorship with the One Drop Foundation, and the important work that they do. I hope one day you’ll understand fully why I’m so passionate about their mission – so I thought I should write how I feel, and that way you’ll have this for later on, whenever it feels the most meaningful.
As a mother – as YOUR mother – what I want most of all is for you to be happy and safe and well. And that’s what I want for children everywhere! Yet, right now in the world, not every child is sure to have access to life’s real essentials, not even water and school. The One Drop Foundation works with people worldwide to make sure things get better, so that everyone, everywhere, can have what they need, including sustainable access to water, sanitation, and hygiene. The things I am always bugging you to do and telling you that you are lucky to have access to, like taking a shower and washing your hands… those are luxuries that too many children don’t have.
What’s amazing as well are the ripple effects: once communities have simple basics, suddenly there are positive impacts on people’s health and safety, on gender equality, and social equity, education, climate resilience… so much!
“Access to water” sounds very simple, but having equitable access to safe water for all would make an incredible difference, and the world can’t truly move forward without it.
That’s why I work with the One Drop Foundation: they’re working to literally change the world.
And the way they make change is inspiring: they use all kinds of art to speak to people’s emotions, and then those emotions motivate people to change things they do, for the better and for the long-term. There are big social art initiatives happening right now, in countries throughout the world, bringing governments, artists, whole communities together, all working on projects that pay homage to local cultures and that actually achieve sustainable, positive change. It inspires me every day, and I hope it inspires you, too.
I plan to continue advocating for change, and representing the One Drop Foundation and the important work that they do. I hope to encourage our family and friends to get involved along with me, just as I hope you’ll contribute when you’re a bit older. We can all make a difference, in big ways and small; maybe you’ll attend One Drop benefits with me some day, or even better, come on missions and see firsthand the work the Foundation is doing, and the change you can help make for others! However you choose to take part, know that I will be so proud of you for helping out, and for taking positive action.
Who you’ll become remains up in the air, but I hope you will always know this: you have the power to make a huge difference in people’s lives, and like I have always taught you, if you can – you should! If you work with like-minded people, you can help change take place more quickly. I know you’ll be proud of the One Drop Foundation and the fact that your mother works with them. I hope when you’re older, you’ll do the same, too, and get even more generations involved to make the world better for kids – so that families everywhere can feel as lucky and happy as we do.
Never forget that you can help change the world for the better, and that every small action can have a huge ripple effect.
I love you with all my heart; I can’t wait to see all you’ll do!
Your mother.