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Meet the dedicated people behind One Drop

Carolina Pastrana A
Carolina Pastrana A
Senior Manager, Strategic Partnership Development of the Lazos de Agua Program

“I aim to generate social transformation impact through communications and strategic relationship-building.”

Caroline Duret
Caroline Duret
Director, Event Partnerships
Cyntia Levasseur
Cyntia Levasseur
Administrative, Accounting and Human Resources Coordinator
Dania Sanchez-Yimura
Dania Sanchez-Yimura
Advisor ⁠– Corporate Communications
Dominique Sasseville
Dominique Sasseville
Coordonnatrice Événements et Collectes de fonds
Emmanuel Y. B. Koama
Emmanuel Y. B. Koama
Social Art for Behaviour Change Specialist (consultant)
Ernenek Duran
Ernenek Duran
Co-Chief Executive Officer

“Life is like riding a bike; always forward and with balance”

Fanny-Pierre Galarneau
Fanny-Pierre Galarneau
Social Art for Behaviour Change (SABC) Expert 
François-Nicolas Landry
François-Nicolas Landry
Director of Finance and Administration
Guy Laliberté
Guy Laliberté
Founder of One Drop, Cirque du Soleil, and Lune Rouge
Heather Acheson
Heather Acheson
Global Ambassador

“Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot help but bring it to themselves”

Hermann Lampron
Hermann Lampron
Communications Advisor, International Programs
Imene Amarouche
Imene Amarouche
Senior Financial Analyst, International Programs
Isabelle Viens
Isabelle Viens
Senior Expert, Social Art for Behaviour Change

“Taking the time to be with the people on the ground, that’s the real life!”

Juan Clavijo
Juan Clavijo
Director, Global Programs
Lauren Alcorn
Lauren Alcorn
Senior Director of Strategic Partnerships and Government Relations
Laurent Madore
Laurent Madore
Senior Director of Development, Events, and Fundraising

“Passion drives determination” “The mind is like a parachute; it works better when it’s open.”

Lisa Clowery
Lisa Clowery
Co-Chief Executive Officer

“Even the smallest act of caring for another person is like a drop of water, it will make ripples throughout the entire pond.” -Bryan Matteo

Marie-France Dos Santos
Marie-France Dos Santos
Director, Marketing Communications and Reputation
Natalya Zavadovskaya
Natalya Zavadovskaya
Financial Controller

Photo credit : Katya Konioukhova

Pascale Gravel-Richard
Pascale Gravel-Richard
Expert, Social Art for Behaviour Change

“Whatever the obstacle, let’s find a way through it!”

Priya John
Priya John
India Country Manager (consultant)
Raquel Porras Gutiérrez
Raquel Porras Gutiérrez
Field Project Manager, Guatemala and Nicaragua (consultant)

“Let’s strive to learn and improve!”

Sally Dewhurst
Sally Dewhurst
Ambassador of Fun

"Always look on the bright side of life!"

Samuel Jabour
Samuel Jabour
Expert, Social Art for Behaviour Change
Sandra Villeneuve
Sandra Villeneuve
Advisor, Donor Relations
Santiago Vélez Velásquez
Santiago Vélez Velásquez
Field Project Manager, Colombia and Paraguay (consultant)

“I’m very fortunate to be able to impact others through One Drop’s innovative projects.”

Sharon Webb
Sharon Webb
Advisor, Operations and Event Marketing

“Be the change!”

Sunayana Wadhawan
Sunayana Wadhawan
Expert, Social Art for Behaviour Change, India
Tania Vachon
Tania Vachon
Senior Director, Social Art for Behaviour Change

“You miss 100% of the shots you don't take!”

Tanya Sarrazin
Tanya Sarrazin
Director of operations, Events and sponsorships

"Let's make the impossible happen!"

Valerie Nombo
Valerie Nombo
Advisor, Digital Communications
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