A family business that’s full of promise

The Ramos family of El Rodeo, El Salvador had the vision and work ethic to run a successful beekeeping/honey-making business; all they needed was some help getting things started—which included securing access to clean water (an integral part of beekeeping). Working with our partners, we were able to provide them with the necessary water supply.
Also, our generous donors made it possible for us to give the family two microloans, for $2,650 and $1,000. These loans allowed them to purchase the materials needed to standardise their production and ensure quality. The family is now earning between $500 and $1,000 per month, they’ve already paid back the first loan, and they’re well on their way to paying back the second. Their thriving honey-making business is a great source of pride for the family, and they’re working toward growing their operation and setting up a production plant of bee products.