Y Kuaa: Supporting behaviour change and strengthening the WASH sector in Paraguay

Community short with pixelation and stop motion technique, developed through a remote social art process, during the covid-19 pandemic in Paraguay.
Community short with pixelation and stop motion technique, developed through a remote social art process, during the covid-19 pandemic in Paraguay.

Credit: Terry Hugues

Credit: Terry Hugues
El giro de 180° en la vida de Pablo (In Spanish)

Credit: Terry Hugues

Credit: Terry Hugues
A Lazos de Agua Project
December 2020 | The Y Kuaa Project, executed by Fundacion Moises Bertoni, in collaboration with Senasa, won the "Reconocimiento ODS Paraguay 2020" award by the Pacto Global Paraguay, the Centro de Información y Recursos para el Desarrollo (CIRD), with the support of the European Union in Paraguay!
On November 27, 15 initiatives were recognized in four categories: People, Planet, Prosperity and Peace. A committee of experts has evaluated more than 100 nominees for the first edition of these awards, which aim to celebrate and recognize initiatives that serve as examples, inspiration, on actions that can be taken to move forward in achieving of the SDGs. One Drop won the "Reconocimiento ODS Paraguay 2020" award.
Y kuaa, which means “Water Wisdom” in the Guaraní language, is part of the Lazos de Agua Program. The project has been implemented by Fundación Moisés Bertoni along with SENASA, who was responsible for the Access component as part of the government's multi-million-dollar program. The project aimed to use Social Art for Behaviour Change to improve the sustainability of the WASH infrastructure being built in eleven designated Paraguay departments. Y kuaa has addressed challenges related to the management, maintenance, and sustainability of the water supply networks and sanitation units. Three artists’ groups have carried out the project’s Social Art for Behaviour Change (SABC) interventions: Jakairá, Crear en Libertad, and Tierra Nuestra.
- The aim of this project was to increase access to water and sanitation services that are safely and sustainably managed.
Behaviour change
- This project has fostered key WASH-related behaviours through SABC interventions, including drinking water treatment and safe storage, handwashing with soap and water at key moments, and payment of the water and sanitation services tariffs.
- Y Kuaa developed solutions tailored to the local socio-economic context to improve access to WASH, and strengthen local businesses in the sector.

67,391 people

57,827 people

87 community water systems

902 women & 609 men,

More than 3,156 members

Discover what living without safe water means to some communities and how others access and manage this precious resource.
English subtitles. Produced by Latitud 25