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Beseya Blon Project

Supporting Access to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in Health care Facilities (HCF) and Communities in the Ségou and Koulikoro regions, Mali.
Targeted population
4 years
2020 to 2024
Districts of Bla and Kati
Partners involved
One Drop thanks the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, the WaterAid Federation, Water Aid Mali and America, the Ministère de la Santé du Mali, les Centres de contrôle et de prévention des maladies (CDC), World health Organization (WHO) and Centre Culturel Kôrè for making this life-changing work possible!
Read the press release
Our key strategies

The Beseya Blon project co-financed by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, Wateraid Federation and One Drop Fondation was a 4-year intiative to improve the living conditions of the most vulnerable in Bla and Kati Circles (Mali), by answering to the systemic causes of poor WASH access, inclusion and sustainability in both Circles. In collaboration with government and local partners, WaterAid Mali, the executing partner, supported strengthened systems, improved accountability and effective citizens’ engagement. The project expected to reach 36,500 people with sustainable and inclusive access to clean water, 47,000 people with access to basic sanitation and 36,000 people with improved hygiene practices in communities, health care facilities and schools with the support of Social Art for Behaviour Change™ and the integration of One Drop A·B·C for sustainability™ model to achieve sustainable results in the targeted communities.

*In 2020, re-allocation of resources allowed us to reach 40,000 people directly for emergency COVID response.

Sanata's story: Beseya Blon brings clean water to Mali (English)
A·B·C for Sustainability

This project aimed to increase the use of safe, inclusive and gender-sensitive WASH facilities by target population and to improve accountability and engagement mechanisms at the government and citizen levels.

Behaviour Change
The project aimed to improve WASH behaviours in target communities and institutions, promoted and sustained through the SABC model and building of the capacity of Leaders of Change (trained youth, cultural groups and social artists, etc.).

It also aimed to improve income generating opportunities for women and youth associated with Self Help Groups (SHGs) linked to the WASH supply chain.

99,755 people now have access to
safe, equitable and sustainable water services at communities and healthcare centres levels.
113,559 people now have access to
healthcare centres that are equipped with safely managed sanitation services.
More than 126,623 people were mobilized through SABC interventions
that engaged various actors around the continuous practice of key hygiene-related behaviours such as handwashing and latrine use.
Social Art for Behaviour Change (SABC): Promoting WASH in Mali

In this case study, University of Toronto Reach researchers examine One Drop’s Social Art for Behaviour Change™ (SABC) approach to supporting sustainable development and community resilience in Mali.

Another project in Mali

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