BetterUp: How Our Partnership is Driving Growth

Many global challenges such as poverty, lack of education, and gender inequality are directly linked to poor mental health management. Yet communities around the globe face these hurdles daily. At the One Drop Foundation, we envision a better world, where all have access to living conditions that allow for empowerment and development. We are devoted to enhancing the lives of people around the planet, including the dedicated people who support our mission: our colleagues and employees. At the One Drop Foundation, we are fortunate to have partners with whom we share core values, including respect, integrity, and collaboration. These partnerships enable us to bring together the communities in which we work and empower them to grow. Over the years, we have seen the benefits of our many partnerships within these project areas and have come to realize that the same growth opportunities must also apply to our own team members.
Just as we aim to improve the support provided to the communities targeted by our projects, the well-being of our team is also at the forefront of our concerns. Around the world, we collaborate with partners who have developed innovative strategies that encourage individuals to take charge of their own development and well-being.
Which is why we were pleased to embark on a collaboration with BetterUp. With a network of over 3,000 coaches, BetterUp offers coaching in 64 languages across 70+ countries, along with interactive professional development content to meet the needs of our diverse global team. The organization has been shown to drive positive behaviour change, just like we do across our projects, worldwide.
For many at the Foundation, this partnership has granted us access to a comprehensive library of knowledge and support tools that have already helped us grow and manage our careers—as well as the projects we are involved in—all the while providing us with invaluable personal support through a dedicated, one-on-one coach. “The coach I work with has been very kind and open. I see my coaching sessions as a time to reflect and focus on self-development,” Caroline shares about BetterUp’s coaching guidance.
We work with many communities, empowering them through our Social Art for Behaviour ChangeTM approach. Via partnerships like the one we’ve established with BetterUp, we aim to make the same possible for our team: “These bi-weekly sessions with my coach have helped me set achievable goals in the workplace, learn and grow as a co-worker as well as a person, and ultimately feel like I have the tools I need to keep moving forward,” confides one colleague, Dania. At the One Drop Foundation, we believe that self-empowerment can play an active role in everyone’s mental health and well-being.
Looking for innovative ways to value and support your employees? Learn more about BetterUp