All In for World Water Day

On World Water Day, we celebrate more than water. We raise a glass to all of you who support the cause of safe water for all, as we toast to the peace, prosperity, and equity that ripple from your actions.
Because the world is in dire need of immediate, collective action. 2.2 billion people still live without safely managed drinking water1 and around 50% of the world’s population experience severe water scarcity for at least part of the year.2 Water—the very foundation of life—faces increasing pressure from a changing climate.
Protecting and sharing this precious resource isn’t just our responsibility—it’s everyone’s. At One Drop, we make it our business to unite those who can make a difference. From community members and artists to corporations and governments, we must all work cohesively to solve the complex water and climate crisis that befalls us all.
World Water Day is a rallying point for organizations like ours who work tirelessly year after year to make a difference in communities worldwide. The incredible support we received during World Water Day last year fueled our ongoing initiatives in Latin America, Africa, India, and Indigenous communities in Canada. With the support of our generous matching partner, we’ve set out to raise an additional $20,000 for our projects this year.
Donations go beyond enabling sustainable access to water: They directly support gender equality, education, health, and climate action, on top of reducing global inequality.
Water is the interconnection between all life. Recognizing it as a human right and collaborating for its fair and sustainable use can be the bridge that leads us out of crisis and into prosperity.
Water knows no borders. Neither should our efforts to protect it.
1 WHO/UNICEF, JOINT MONITORING PROGRAMME (JMP). Progress on household drinking water, sanitation and hygiene 2000–2022: special focus on gender, 2023
2 IPCC, Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. 2022