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How to start an online Fundraiser

Start Fundraising

No matter where you are—at home, at work, or in your local community—we have a fundraising idea that's perfect for you.

Get Planning

Motivate the people around you and pick a fundraising activity that fits you!

There are many fun and creative ways to raise funds for One Drop, from bake sales and car washes to sponsored walks, runs, and fitness challenges. You can also celebrate special occasions like birthdays or weddings by asking for donations instead of gifts, or raise funds at events like World Water Day

Creativity is at the heart of One Drop – let your imagination run wild! The options are limitless.

Get Started
An Example for Teachers & Parents

Engaging students in fundraising can be profoundly educational and impactful. For example, by educating a class on the critical need for clean water in communities where it is scarce, students can gain insight into the challenges faced by children who must forego education to fetch safe water daily. This can inspire them to dedicate themselves to raising funds for clean drinking water by undertaking household chores, assisting neighbors, and gathering recyclables to contribute to this important cause.

Why Your Support Matters

By creating a fundraising campaign or activity, you can make a significant impact for the One Drop Foundation. Your efforts will:

  • Increase financial resources, enabling us to expand our reach
  • Introduce the Foundation to new audiences, boosting awareness and support
  • Foster a sense of community and personal connection to our cause
  • Turn fundraisers into advocates, spreading our mission and values to others
  • Help us achieve our water project goals and maintain excellence within all other water related initiatives

For corporations

  • Helps motivate employee engagement & corporate matching
  • Create ripple effects & friendly competition between divisions and/or regional offices
Get Loud!

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