About our model and approach

Our A·B·C for Sustainability™ model consists of providing safe and equitable ACCESS to services, activating BEHAVIOUR CHANGE through social art interventions, and encouraging CAPITAL supporting market-based solutions.

One Drop Foundation’s Social Art for Behaviour ChangeTM (SABC) approach creates locally inspired programs that encourage behaviour change towards healthy practices around Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH). We empower communities to take ownership of projects over time, which ensures their sustainability.
Through innovative creative processes that involve open participation, SABC interventions bring out individual, interpersonal, community, and societal commitment. These processes are designed to inspire, activate, and sustain the practice of desired behaviours, in accordance with the needs of each project.
Transformational change in how water, sanitation, and hygiene services are provided around the world requires more than just building infrastructure. People and communities must adopt and maintain healthy behaviours in the long term. One Drop’s SABC approach draws upon evidence from a range of disciplines—including behavioural economics, neuroscience, and socially engaged arts—to create interactive spaces where community participants work alongside artists to inspire, activate, and sustain behaviour change.
The impact of an artistic performance is amplified when it is rooted in the local culture and tradition. Discover more about the work we do in Rajasthan:
SABC in Rajasthan, India.
Note : this video was filmed before the COVID-19 pandemic
COVID-19 has highlighted both the instrumental role that appropriate health behaviours such as handwashing with water and soap play in people’s well-being and the importance of Leaders of Change to drive local solutions in communities and institutions. Communities where Social Art for Behaviour Change interventions had taken place before the pandemic were prepared to respond rapidly and help stop the spread through Access-Behaviour change-Capital interventions.
To achieve sustainable change, including community leaders as agents of change throughout the process is key, since they belong to both the priority groups and the influencers.
Discover more about it in our SABC IN TIMES OF COVID-19 SERIES
In Malawi, several musical clips were developed with local artists to warn population about COVID-19 and remind all of the importance of handwashing with water and soap :
Malawi Project : handwashing in health care facilities.
A musical reminder by artist SKEFFA that handwashing (Sambani Mmanja) is crutial in health care facilities.
In this in-depth research, the Lazos de Agua team embarked on various research to evaluate its contributions towards generating positive changes in the communities that participated in the interventions: regular program monitoring, a mid-term evaluation, and a third study that, using the Sprockler method, explored complex environments through a quantitative and qualitative approach based on interviews and storytelling.

To learn more about key challenges related to sustainable and universal WASH services, to understand the A·B·C for Sustainability model and its uses in a WASH project, to see what influences behaviour, to discover the SABC approach and to understand how it can trigger behaviour change, register for our free online course.