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Moving towards universal WASH access in the North Caribbean Coasts Autonomous Region (RACCN)

The Nicaragua Rural project has improved safe access to water and sanitation services for people living in 33 rural communities in the North Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region in Nicaragua.

A Lazos de Agua Project

Targeted population
5 years
2017 to 2022
Waslala, Waspam and Puerto Cabezas RACCN
Partners involved
One Drop thanks its partners in the Lazos de Agua Program: the
Inter-American Development Bank
The Coca-Cola Foundation
, and
Fundación FEMSA
— as well as WaterAid Nicaragua, Nicaragua Rural's executing partner, and
WaterAid America
— for making this life-changing project possible!
Our key strategies

As part of the Lazos de Agua Program, The Nicaragua Rural project was implemented through the A·B·C for sustainability model, improving the sustainability of the project through related interventions based on three components: Access, Behaviour Change and Capital. Component A is a coordinated effort between the municipalities of Waslala, Waspam, and Puerto Cabezas, as well as the regional government of the RACCN. The SABC interventions in Component B are carried out by the artists groups Mujeres Creativas Lapta Yula, Traca Traca, El Bosque, Zankistas Fuego y Son, and Colectivo Arte Ceibo. In Component C, WaterAid, the project implementer, collaborates with Pana Pana, in Puerto Cabezas and Waspam, and Cooperativa Caja Rural Mano a Mano and Fundenuse in Waslala.

A·B·C for Sustainability


  • The aim is to increase access to water and sanitation services that are safely and sustainably managed.

Behaviour change

  • This project has fostered key WASH-related behaviours through SABC interventions, including drinking water treatment and safe storage, handwashing with soap and water at key moments, and payment of the water and sanitation services tariffs.


  • This project creates an enabling environment by developing WASH-specific financial products, by strengthening the WASH supply chain, by supporting market-based solutions including entrepreneurship training and micro-loan promotion campaigns.

23,531 people

have received access to water, sanitation, and/or hygiene services (WASH).

20, 904 people

have participated in SABC activities promoting key behaviours related to WASH.

113 women & 80 men

have been trained as leaders of change, surpassing the final goal of the project.

527 systems of drinking water, and 760 sanitation facilities

have been built or improved for communities, families, schools and health centers.

56 local WASH service providers

have been supported in technical matters, financial management, sales, and customer service.
Visit the Lazos de Agua website
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The Coca-Cola Foundation
The Coca-Cola FoundationDiscover our Partners and Donors
Inter-American Development Bank
Inter-American Development BankDiscover our Partners and Donors
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