Donate to make a difference.
If you wish to donate by mail, please download the donation form in PDF and send it to the following address:
8400, Avenue du Cirque
Montreal QC H1Z 4M6
Make a lasting impact by joining our community of monthly donors.
Join us at one of our events to connect and contribute to our mission.
No matter where you are—at home, at work, or in your local community—we have a fundraising idea that's perfect for you.
Honour a loved one by making a donation in their memory or on their behalf. To dedicate your donation, simply check the box labeled "Dedicate this donation."
Align your corporate values with social responsibility through a direct donation.
You have the option to make a donation directly through our website, or to contact us via email at
Invest directly in specific projects, amplifying our collaborative impact.
Boost your brand while supporting our cause through strategic marketing campaigns.
Collaborate with us on a targeted fundraising campaign to maximize impact.
Contribute goods or services to support our initiatives.
Enable your employees to make a difference through convenient payroll deductions.
Foster team building and social impact through corporate volunteering initiatives.